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Random42 Charity Partnership

Random42 Charity Partnership

Random42 Charity Partnership with Choose Love total raised so far: $6,365

Target: $6,373

Our Charity Partnership with Choose Love

This year we are honoured to partner with Choose Love – an incredible organisation dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and support to refugees worldwide. Their mission is one of compassion, empathy, and making a positive impact on the world.

We are proud to have the opportunity to help support meaningful change through a variety of fundraising events and initiatives throughout 2024 to make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.

All donations made to this page will go to Choose Love to help support the humanitarian aid they provide around the world.

Please consider making a donation on this page to help us in our fundraising efforts.

Recent donations


Gillian O donated to Random42 Charity Partnership

5 days, 20 hours ago


James O donated to Random42 Charity Partnership

6 days, 12 hours ago


Olive C donated to Random42 Charity Partnership

6 days, 20 hours ago

Santa runnnn


Sam W donated to Random42 Charity Partnership

6 days, 21 hours ago


Sophie F donated to Random42 Charity Partnership

6 days, 23 hours ago

Santa in the city!