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All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

Raised: $1,163,175

Page Target: $1,500,000

About this campaign

DONATIONS DOUBLED. $1.5 Million match fund 

As the situation in the Middle East continues to escalate, more and more people are being forced from their homes as bombs fall around them. 

In Gaza, more than two million Palestinians, almost half of them children, are living in unimaginable conditions with almost no access to food or water because of the blocking of humanitarian aid. At least 19,000 children have been orphaned. Nowhere is safe from bombardment, while civilians are forced to shelter in tents. 

In Lebanon, one million people have been newly displaced from their homes, 175,000 of them children. Many people who have rebuilt their lives in Lebanon as refugees are now faced with a horrendous choice - to stay in Lebanon as escalations continue, or return to countries they left because of conflict and persecution. Refugee camps are becoming overcrowded as displacement rises and humanitarian needs are increasing rapidly. 

Our network of incredible partners across Lebanon, Gaza and the wider region, are providing people with vital humanitarian support including food, shelter, clean water, clothing, support for mothers and babies, emergency medical support and psychosocial services.

As of 2nd October, to reflect the humanitarian needs, we have updated this page from our All Eyes on Gaza campaign to include emergency fundraising for Lebanon too. All donations prior to this date will be restricted for supporting Gazans and affected Palestinians only. 

Thanks to a generous donor, we have a $1.5 Million match fund. That means every donation up to the value of $1.5 million will be DOUBLED. 

We stand with the Humanitarian community calling for an immediate and permanent Ceasefire Now, to protect the lives of all innocent civilians, enable the release of all hostages and ensure life saving humanitarian assistance can reach those who so desperately need it. 

100% of what you donate will go towards our partners’ work, supporting those affected by the ongoing bombardment and escalation of violence. 

Please donate what you can. Every penny will make a huge difference.

This page shows donations pledged online, updated regularly with offline pledges.

At Choose Love we pride ourselves on being fast and responsive, getting support where it’s most urgently needed. If you’re kind enough to make a monthly donation, 100% of your first donation will go to support this fundraiser. Future donations may fund our wider work, allowing us to continue to be first responders to global emergencies and support displaced communities.

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An anonymous supporter donated to All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

4 hours, 50 minutes ago


An anonymous supporter donated to All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

6 hours, 5 minutes ago


An anonymous supporter donated to All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

6 hours, 29 minutes ago


Marco H donated to All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

7 hours, 21 minutes ago


Hannah M donated to All Eyes On Gaza and Lebanon

21 hours, 55 minutes ago