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Keep Eyes on Sudan

Keep Eyes on Sudan

Raised: $61,871

Page Target: $63,731

About this campaign

Sudan is experiencing the largest displacement crisis in the world right now.

11 million people have been uprooted from their homes, and 100 people are dying daily of starvation as the country is reaching the world’s most severe hunger crisis. The situation is spiralling towards the world’s worst famine in forty years. 

As well as food insecurity, up to 80% of the health facilities in conflict zones are now non-operational, and 19 million children are out of school. There is nowhere near enough funding to meet so many urgent needs. 

Our current and prospective new partners are working in Sudan and neighbouring countries that people are fleeing to, to provide urgent food packages, clean water and sanitation, and emergency medical support to prevent further outbreaks of infectious and fatal diseases like Cholera.

100% of what you donate will go straight to our partners providing life-saving support to those affected by the conflict in Sudan. 

Let’s keep our eyes on Sudan. Please donate what you can today. Every penny makes a difference.

Image credit: Getty Images


At Choose Love we pride ourselves on being fast and responsive, getting support where it’s most urgently needed. If you’re kind enough to make a monthly donation, 100% of your first donation will go to this fundraiser. Future donations may fund our wider work, allowing us to continue to be first responders to global emergencies and support displaced communities.


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1 day, 9 hours ago


An anonymous supporter donated to Keep Eyes on Sudan

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Simone C donated to Keep Eyes on Sudan

4 days, 2 hours ago


An anonymous supporter donated to Keep Eyes on Sudan

4 days, 5 hours ago


An anonymous supporter donated to Keep Eyes on Sudan

4 days, 23 hours ago