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Choose Love's Amal Fund

Choose Love's Amal Fund

Raised: $972,998

Page Target: $2,520,544

Step up for refugee children

Please chip in to the Choose Love ‘Amal Fund’ to provide urgently-needed support for refugee and displaced children all over the world. 

Your donations provide education, food, shelter, emergency medical care, legal assistance and much more for children like Little Amal.

Little Amal is the 12 foot puppet of a 10 year old refugee child who has become a global symbol human rights, especially those of refugees. 

Together we want to raise $2 million for refugee children around the world.

The Amal Fund is brought to you by Choose Love 501(c)(3) and The Walk. Choose Love is a non-profit that does whatever it takes to provide refugees with the support they need.


At Choose Love we pride ourselves on being fast and responsive, getting support where it’s most urgently needed. If you’re kind enough to make a monthly donation, 100% of your first donation will become part of our Amal fund. Future donations may fund our wider work, allowing us to continue to be first responders to global emergencies and support displaced communities, including children.

Recent donations


An anonymous supporter donated to Choose Love's Amal Fund

1 month, 3 weeks ago

I love what your doing Little Amal


An anonymous supporter donated to Choose Love's Amal Fund

1 month, 4 weeks ago


An anonymous supporter donated to Choose Love's Amal Fund

1 month, 4 weeks ago


Helen W donated to Choose Love's Amal Fund

1 month, 4 weeks ago

My children and I loved seeing Amal at the Yorkshire Integration Festival. Thank you for all you do to raise awareness.


Michelle H donated to Choose Love's Amal Fund

2 months ago