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Queer Was Always Here

Queer Was Always Here

Donate for LGBTQIA+ refugees

LGBTQIA+ refugees and displaced people around the world suffer from specific challenges. 

Queer Was Always Here is a community dedicated to queer joy, queer art, and queer history, working in partnership with Choose Love to secure futures for LGBTQIA+ refugees and displaced people around the world.

Choose Love's partners work with people on the ground to offer support. Please chip in to stand with LGBTQIA+ refugees now. 

Recent donations


Michael S donated to Queer Was Always Here

1 week, 6 days ago


An anonymous supporter donated to Queer Was Always Here

3 weeks ago


Giovanni Z donated to Queer Was Always Here

3 weeks, 3 days ago


Joel A donated to Queer Was Always Here

3 weeks, 3 days ago


Sara E donated to Queer Was Always Here

3 weeks, 5 days ago