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Choose Love Community

Fundraising on our bespoke platform comes straight to Choose Love. This helps us get the money you raise to our partners faster - so you're supporting displaced communities as soon as possible.

Please note:
  • All money raised through Choose Love Community will be allocated at the discretion of Choose Love to wherever the need is greatest, unless otherwise agreed with the charity.
  • It may take up to 3 days for your page to be live as we will approve fundraisers during working hours.

About you 1/4

Campaign details 2/4

This optional image can be anything that represents you or your cause. It will be shown as part of the campaign description. If you'd like to use our default profile image you can ignore this section

This image will be added to the page header. For best results the image should be: Width: 1500 x Height: 1000 pixels If you'd like the header section to remain blank you can ignore this section

About your campaign 3/4

How can we contact you? 4/4

We will use the email you have provided to contact you about your fundraising campaign.

Please let us know if you’re happy to be added to our mailing list to stay updated with our latest news and campaigns to support. You can read our privacy policy here.

You can unsubscribe at any time or simply email us at For more information about how we process your data, visit our website. By clicking below, you are agreeing that we will process your information according to those terms.