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Cycling Hertz - One man, a bike and his radio.

Cycling Hertz - One man, a bike and his radio.

Christian Payne


Latest 16 August 2021

I made it! And you made it all worthwhile.

But how did we get here? One pedal stroke at a time. We just kept moving. I was going to be motorbiking Africa last week. When Covid put a stop …

About this campaign

The road I live on, the Great North Road, is celebrating exactly 100 years since it was renamed the A1.

So I thought I’d ride 800km from London to Edinburgh along a cycle-friendly version of the GNR while simultaneously raising money for a great cause.

The only problem is that I’ve never cycled more than 32 miles (52km) in a day before.

The more of you that donate, the more likely I will make it all the way. But most importantly the more people we can help. 🙂

Why have I partnered with Choose Love?
Put simply, they save lives. And they do it very efficiently. They have helped well over a million people so far. The money you give will feed the hungry, house the homeless and protect vulnerable people from danger.

Please give what you can.

I'll start in London on the 9th of August and, all going to plan, end up in Edinburgh on the 15th.

While I peddle up England into Scotland, I thought I might tie in another passion of mine, amateur radio. (My callsign is G5DOC) So as well as chatting to folks along the way I plan to contact fellow radio operators via the network of radio repeaters that line this ancient coaching route.

I’ll also keep you updated here, on Twitter (@Documentally) and via email (sign up at


Recent donations


David D donated to

2 years, 6 months ago

de G5VHF


Laura K donated to

3 years, 1 month ago

Nice one, Christian!!


Rhian L donated to

3 years, 1 month ago

Congrats - and have really enjoyed your account of the ride!


Therese T donated to

3 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on getting to the end destination in super quick time for a worthy cause!


Gareth E donated to

3 years, 1 month ago

Christian! A giant on two wheels - great work indeed!