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Harry Styles' 27th Birthday Fundraiser

Harry Styles' 27th Birthday Fundraiser

HES Fans


About this campaign

Every year, Harry Styles’ fans all over the world come together to celebrate Harry’s birthday in a very special way: a gift with heart. Over the years, Harry has demonstrated his undeniable kindness and how important it is to give back and help those who need it the most. He’s inspired us to use our platforms to do good and to spread love so we want to do the same with him. In the last few years, Harry's fans have raised over $20K for non profit organizations like Black Girls Rock, Immigration Equality and The PCRF.

This year, we chose Help Refugees / Choose Love because we believe their message resonates with all of us at the moment and aligns perfectly with Harry’s message: Choose Love, Give Love.

We invite all of Harry’s fans and anyone who wants to join us to participate in any way they can to help this amazing cause. Your contribution will help save lives and make the world a little better.

If you want to learn more about Help Refugees and what they do, go here:

This is a fan project, organized by fans.

Twitter: @hsdaily

Recent donations


Rita M donated to

3 years, 10 months ago


An anonymous supporter donated to

3 years, 10 months ago


Charlie N donated to

3 years, 10 months ago


Ellen S donated to

3 years, 10 months ago


Anne M donated to

3 years, 10 months ago