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Prayer for Peace

Hannah Brine

United Kingdom

About this campaign

Prayer for Peace is a new choral song by composer Hannah Brine and poet Jessica Boatright which will premiere on 8th March, International Women’s Day. The song is performed by members of Hannah’s choirs from across the UK and will appear online as a virtual choir video, with viewers encouraged to donate to Choose Love, a charity that provides humanitarian aid and advocacy.

The song, which has strongly pacifist roots, was written in response to the upsurge in violence across the world in the past few months. It is being released on International Women’s Day both to highlight the disproportionate impact of war on women and to provide a message of support for women currently caught in conflict, with a clear message that they are not standing alone. This is particularly important in a time where many of us have felt helpless, witnessing awful events unfold and not being able to do anything to help.

From Hannah: “It has been incredibly difficult to watch the situation in Gaza escalate and we wanted to do something in some small way to help. We are supporting Choose Love through our fundraising and are grateful for any donations.”

From Jessica: “I believe it is really important to continue spreading a message of peace in every way that we have available to us, especially given worldwide events at the moment. When Hannah asked me to write on this project, I jumped at the chance to do something to help raise money for this wonderful charity who provide vital humanitarian aid. Even the smallest of actions can make a difference.”

Recent donations


An anonymous supporter donated to

2 months, 1 week ago


Emma P donated to

2 months, 1 week ago


Margaret C donated to

2 months, 1 week ago


Stephanie S donated to

2 months, 1 week ago


Hannah B donated to

2 months, 1 week ago